Show season as we know it, well as the car enthusiast knows it, is upon us. A time to meet friends we get to see only a few times a year, and to cherish the cars we love. This year 2M shift boots AKA Matt-B, will be attending a number of events. Due to Covid 19 man planned showed have been canceled.

Starting off show season for me will be Bimmerfest in Fontana, CA on May 23rd-24th. Ill have a booth, and also be driving down and back. A total traveled just shy of 2500 miles roundtrip. Follow me and the @Bimmerfestnightriders on our way down, and stay tuned for shenanigans. CANCELED

My 2nd stop for the year, and an event that i help sponosor is the famed E30 Picnic, in Spanaway, WA. It is held at the Lemay family collection at Marymount. With an emphasis on the e30 chassis specifcally, this is the largest single model BMW event worldwide. CANCELED

Now, an event I'm hoping to  Re attend this year is SEMA. Happening Nov 3rd-6th in Vegas. The first letter in the name says it all. Specialty. A show full of makers, enthusiasts, personalities, creators, influencers, and all sorts of industry related personnel. It would be a real treat to get to again meet fellow makers, and make potential connections with other business', and show case my own to people, and cover the show.

For now stay safe, have fun this year, and enjoy the cars that make us who we are, and what show we will be able to attend.

Matt B

2M Shift boots owner and car enthusiast
